Jun 10, 2015

San Antonio Obstetrician and Gynecologist – 37 years in the making!

Dr. Neera Bhatia Obgyn - San Antonio Obstetrician and Gynecologist – 37 years in the making!

As I approach my 38th year in private practice in San Antonio, I often find myself thinking about how medicine has changed and how I have changed within the years that I have been in practice. I first came to San Antonio to finish training and did so as the first female OBGYN to graduate from the UTHSCSA OB program. I then started my practice at Santa Rosa downtown in 1978 (at Rosa Verde Towers) and moved to Metropolitan Methodist in 1997. That means that I have spent almost 40 years in downtown San Antonio. The changes to the landscape itself are stunning with the re-development of the Pearl Complex and the rejuvenated Tobin Hill neighborhood.

Even in the last twenty years at Metropolitan Methodist, changes have been significant. The Women’s Pavilion provided private rooms and renovated operative suites for female care and the recent hospital expansion has remade the hospital as a bustling complex. Those changes sometimes make me nostalgic for the smaller, more intimate hospital that seemed to be commonplace thirty years ago.

My practice has changed through the years as well. One of my favorite changes has been the introduction of social media and digital content to my practice. These changes have brought patients closer to me and helped me better define my practice for patients to consider. My tagline is care for a women, by a women. No phrase better exemplifies the persona and emphasis of my practice.

I strive to be the best obstetrician and gynecologist in San Antonio and South Texas. My experience establishes a base for patients to feel comfortable but, most importantly, my presence as a solo practitioner ensures that I am present at all appointments and preside over all care for my patients. Finally, I ensure an open dialogue is present between my patients and my practice. I hope these commitments help explain why I should be your choice as an obstetrician and/or gynecologist here in San Antonio!

We look forward to meeting you in San Antonio. Please email us at info@neerabhatiaobgyn.com , call our office at 210-222-2694, or schedule online here.

Please look at the bouquet of resources we have for new patients here!

We also have frequently asked questions under the New Patients Tab of our website for patients looking to find out more about obstetrical and gynecologic services in San Antonio. Rest assured, we strive to be the best OBGYN practice in San Antonio!


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